
Adele Shaw and Larry Dieterich are artists based in Davis, California.

Adele Shaw

Adele Shaw is a painter, a visual thinker, tool user, alchemist, teller of truths, a seeker of good news, an advocate for patterns and numbers, designer, puzzle solver, gardener, secret holder, a want-to-be bird song identifier, an idea architect, tree hugger, anti-single use plastic champion, bookbinder, a builder of things, cat whisperer, knitter, spatially gifted, a defender of art in the community, and an occasional yet enthusiastic educator who loves the artwork of Joan Mitchel, Helen Frankenthawler, Cy Twombly, Anselm Keifer, Joan Miro, Betsy Eby, Dana James and others who speak with color and paint.


Larry Dieterich

Larry is the “computer cowboy” collaborating on this project. He’s been riding herd on the Apple brand since the 8 bit days and he’s still at home on the network range, keeping the computer herd movin’ along nice and steady. Get along now, little dogies. Hey, up there! Easy now, easy. Bootup and reboot.

Wrasslin’ bits and stray code, he’s a hard-riding wire wrangler.

Larry is an old-school byte buckaroo; he don’t trust polarized plugs and the cloud makes him sorta skittish. He’s met a few computers he didn’t like.

